The process outlined in this document will walk you through installing a configuration file through the console port.
Things you will need
- 9 to 9 pin (Patch/Straight Through) Serial cable or USB to serial
- The Sixnet/JBM device. (This process can be performed on any C series device C2xx, or any D series device A2x0x)
- The software package that includes: TeraTerm install
Installing TeraTerm
- Extract the all the files to your desktop

- Double-click the teraterm-4.77.exe file to start the installer

- Click “Next” on all the prompts, then click “Install” on the last prompt. This will install TeraTerm with the default settings.

Logging into the Device
- Open Up TeraTerm

- Choose your serial connection. (For the 9 to 9 pin connection is generally COM1, for USB to Serial choose the COM connection associated with your USB to Serial Adaptor) Then click “OK”

- Navigate to Setup> Serial Port. And make sure the settings are as follows.
For C series devices
- Baud rate: 9600
- Data: 8 bit
- Parity: None
- Stop: 1 bit
- Flow Control: none
For D series devices
- Baud rate: 115200
- Data: 8 bit
- Parity: None
- Stop: 1 bit
- Flow Control: none
Then click “OK” then hit the “ENTER” key.

You should be brought to a screen like this.

- At the login type root for the username and the password is the serial number of the device in all lowercase, example 00230e.

NOTE: You will notice that as you type the password nothing is displayed, this is a security feature.
Changing the Baud Rate
(NOTE: This process is only for C series devices. For D series skip to Section “Uploading Package”)
- At the command prompt type fast

- Now close TeraTerm then reopen and refer above to step 3 in section labelled “Logging into device” and use the D series connection settings

- Refer above to step 4 of section “Logging into the Device” to log back into the device.

Uploading Package
- At the command prompt type cd /tmp/ then hit the “ENTER” key. This will change to the /tmp/ directory.

- At the command prompt type rz . Then hit the “ENTER” key. The Sixnet/JBM device is now waiting for a file to be sent.

- Navigate to File>Transfer>ZMODEM>Send

- Select the Configuration file that you would like to upload.

Now the file will be transferred to the device

Installing the Configuration File
- At the command prompt type jbmupdate

- Hit the “ENTER” key. This will start the installation process.

Once the installation process is finished you will see this screen.

If this is a D series device reboot to finish the process. If you have a C series device please see below.
Changing the Baud Rate Back
(NOTE: This process is only for C series devices to change the baudrate back to default)
- At the command prompt type slow

- Now close TeraTerm then reopen and refer above to step 3 in section labelled “Logging into device” and use the C series connection settings

- Refer above to step 4 of section “Logging into the Device” to log back into the device.

Now reboot the device to finish the installation.
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