This document provides a step by step procedure for setting up Internal Modbus I/O transfer in RAM.
- Log into the SN/RAM Web Browser
- Type the device's LAN/WAN IP, port 10000 into a web browser
- User Name: admin
- Password: Last six digits of the device's serial number
- Go to Automation > Local Station.
Here we will set up the local station number and name.
- Setup Station Name, Station Number and Modbus Local Port:
- Enable Modbus: Yes
- Station Name: RAM
- Station Number: 1
- Modbus Local Port: 502 (Standard TCP Port number for Modbus is 502)
- Click Save.
- Go to Automation > Modbus > Remote Stations
Here we will add a remote station for Internal I/O transfer.
- Click Add
- Enter details of the Remote station. For internal transfers the remote IP address is the local loopback address
- Station Name: Remote
- Station Number: 1
- Connection Type: IP
- Remote IP address:
- Remote IP Port: 502
- Click Finish.
- Remote station will appear in the table. Click Save.
- Click on the I/O Transfers button.
- Modbus I/O transfer page will appear. Click Add.
- A new window will appear. Enter details for the I/O transfer:
- Station Name: Remote
- Protocol: Modbus
- SendMode: Wait for Reply
- Port: TCP/IP
- Command Type: Write
- Local Type: Discrete Output
- Local Relative Address: 1
- Remote Type: Discrete Output
- Remote Address: 51
- Number of Registers: 8
- Click Finish.
- The I/O transfer will appear in the table.
- Internal I/O transfer setup is complete.
- Click Apply.
Testing Internal I/O Transfer
- Go to Automation > I/O Settings > Test I/O.
- Click on Test I/O
- In the drop down menu (Select Type) select Discrete Output.
- Start Address: 1 and Register Count: 8
- Click Add
- In the drop down menu (Select Type) select Discrete Output.
- Start Address: 51 and Register Count: 8
- Click Add
- Now the working of Internal I/O transfer can be tested by turning ON any outputs registers on DO0-DO7 and DO 50 - DO 57 will be ON.
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