The PPP option is an add-on option which requires a license. This is a site license.
To configure this option add a RTU configuration to the Sixnet Tool Kit project.
Configure the RTU, goto the port configuration, and configure a selected serial port to support PPP.
Then select “Configure” to the right of the Port protocol selection.
Two modes supported, client and server modes:
Note: If you have already configured another serial port for PPP protocol, you can use the Import Settings button to copy those PPP configuration settings to this serial port.
Client Settings
This field is required. This setting specifies whether the PPP connection is going to be done over telephone, or direct serial connection (null-modem, lease-line modem, full duplex radio, etc).
Note: Only full duplex connections are supported.
Phone Number:
This field is only required for telephone connections. This is the telephone number that will be used to connect to the PPP server.
Dial Using:
This field is required for telephone connections. Tone or pulse dialing may be selected. Most modern modems support tone dialing, which is recommended.
User Name:
This field is required. This is the username that the client will use to authenticate itself. The name is defaulted to ’PPPLink’.
This name can be up to 32 characters in length.
This field is required. This is the password that the client will use to authenticate itself. The password is defaulted to ’PPPLink’.
This name can be up to 32 characters in length.
Default Route:
By enabling this option, you are adding a route to the client’s system routing tables. The peer (PPP server’s) IP is set as the client’s default gateway. When the PPP connection is broken, the route is removed automatically. This option will cause problems with clients that already have a default gateway configured. (IPm has pre-configured network interfaces that require routing.) The Default Route must be selected in order for the Client Transfers and IO Transfers to go out the PPP interface.
Select the baud rate. The range is 300 115,200 baud.
This field is not required. Most users will leave this field blank. This field is only used if DNS has been configured on the network.
DNS service search order:
This field is not required. Most users will leave this field blank. This field is only used if DNS has been configured on the network. The order that the DNS servers are listed is the search order.
Server Settings
This field is required. This will be the hostname of the connecting client. For most applications, the examples given in the ’Server Settings’ window will work fine (pppA for port A, pppB for port B, etc). If the IPm acting as a PPP server is on a network where DNS is being used, and there have been specific hostnames defined for PPP clients, it is recommended that the appropriate hostname (resolved from an existing DNS server) be used. If DNS is being used, you should check with their system/network administrator.
This name can be up to 32 characters in length.
IP Address:
This field is required. This will be the IP address of the connecting client. If your intention is to provide outside communications to the connecting clients, it is important that you select an IP address that is routable (falls within the appropriate subnet).
If DNS entries for PPP clients have been configured, the IP address used here should reflect that of the appropriate DNS entry. If DNS is being used, you should check with your system/network administrator.
This field is required. This will be the subnet mask used by the connecting client. Care should be taken when selecting a subnet, as an improper subnet could restrict valid communications. Generally, the subnet mask will be the same as one of the Ethernet interfaces (the one that will route PPP traffic).
Domain Name:
This field is not required. Most users will leave this field blank. This field is only used if DNS has been configured on the network.
This name can be up to 64 characters in length.
Primary DNS:
These fields are not required. Most users will leave these fields blank. These fields are only used if DNS has been configured on the network. The primary DNS server will be queried first. If the host / domain name is not found, the secondary DNS server will be queried.
Primary Wins:
These fields are not required. Most users will leave these fields blank. These fields are only used if WINS has been configured on the network. This assumes that the network is a ’Windows’ network. In a way, WINS is Microsoft’s non-Internet version of DNS. The primary WINS server will be queried first. If the hostname is not found, the secondary WINS server will be queried.
Enable Default Route:
By enabling this option, you are telling the PPP server to use its default gateway to route traffic from PPP clients. This is the default gateway that is bound to the appropriate Ethernet interface. It is possible that you may not have a default gateway defined. Regardless, most users are going to want this option.
Secondary DNS:
These fields are not required. Most users will leave these fields blank. These fields are only used if DNS has been configured on the network. The primary DNS server will be queried first. If the host / domain name is not found, the secondary DNS server will be queried.
Secondary WINS:
These fields are not required. Most users will leave these fields blank. These fields are only used if WINS has been configured on the network. This assumes that the network is a ’Windows’ network. In a way, WINS is Microsoft’s non-Internet version of DNS. The primary WINS server will be queried first. If the hostname is not found, the secondary WINS server will be queried.
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