If your device is affected by the "1997 Timestamp Issue", this document describes how to set a device's date/time to an earlier date. This change is not required and does not permanently resolve the issue; the permanent fix will be provided in a firmware release. (Setting the device to the current month/date of 2002 will align to the month/date of 2024.)
G3 Series HMI / G3 Kadet HMI / Graphite® HMI / Graphite® Controllers / Modular Controller / Data Station Plus / ProducTVity Station
Required Software:
2.0 / 3.0 / 3.1
Setting the Clock with a PC
Using the Crimson® Application
1. Configure your PC to the time that you desire to set your device to. (This date should be prior to March 21st to avoid experiencing the Data log Overflow issue.)
From the menu bar at the top of the Crimson window:
2. Click Link-Options.
3. Select the desired connection method.
4. Click OK.
5. Physically connect to the unit.
6. Click Link-Send Time.
7. Reset your PC to the current time.
It is the customer's responsibility to review the advice provided herein and its applicability to the system. Red Lion makes no representation about specific knowledge of the customer's system or the specific performance of the system. Red Lion is not responsible for any damage to equipment or connected systems. The use of this document is at your own risk. Red Lion standard product warranty applies.
Red Lion Technical Support
If you have any questions or trouble contact Red Lion Technical Support by clicking here or calling 1-877-432-9908.
For more information: http://www.redlion.net/support/policies-statements/warranty-statement