Crimson 3.2 Touch Calibration and Touch Test
This document describes how to test the touch sensor and perform a touch calibration with HMI devices that are running on Crimson 3.2.
CR1000 series HMIs
CR3000 series HMIs
Graphite series HMIs
Required Software
Crimson 3.2
Use Case
This document applies to all HMI models that are running on Crimson 3.2 software. In previous versions of Crimson, C3.1 and C3.0, there was a System Menu available on HMIs with tools you could use to test the touch calibration and recalibrate it. The System Menu feature does not exist on HMIs that are running on Crimson 3.2 firmware. You need to build display pages in your Crimson 3.2 databases to do this.
Database Configuration
You calibrate the touch sensor using the Touch Calibration primitive. You can test its current performance with the Touch Test primitive. Both primitives are available in the System Primitives section.
Since you will build this into your database application, you need to consider how you will enter and exit these display pages. The Touch test primitive itself has nothing in it to enable you to exit the page it is on. On a Graphite HMI, you could potentially make use of the Icon keys for these purposes, but with the CR series you do not have any keys outside of the touch area. Therefore, you need to use another method.
You can use the Timeout feature on the display page’s Properties tab for this. In the On Timeout field, call a GotoPage() function. If nothing has been pressed for the specified Period, this will send you to the desired page, such as your menu page.
For the Touch Calibration page, it is recommended to use the Touch Calibration primitive’s built-in Actions for On Success and On Failure to call an appropriate GotoPage() command to send you to the desired page.
See attached example file “CR3000-7 touch test and touch calibration example.cd32”.
It is the customer's responsibility to review the advice provided herein and its applicability to the system. Red Lion makes no representation about specific knowledge of the customer's system or the specific performance of the system. Red Lion is not responsible for any damage to equipment or connected systems. The use of this document is at your own risk. Red Lion standard product warranty applies.
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