This technote talks about the method to use MQTT from VT Scada down to a Crimson 3.2 based device
FlexEdge DA50 & DA70
Use Case: Getting Data from VT Scada with MQTT
Crimson based devices can easily write up to a VT Scada Server using our Generic MQTT driver. But writing down it difficult.
VT Scada does not come with a JSON model for writing down to a Crimson based device using our Generic MQTT driver
Customers must get with their support at VT Scada and get help with and or write the JSON package handling in VT Scada. After doing this the problem will be resolved.
(Given Courtesy of Brandon Hanson)
{ Computes a Payload in a JSON format to Publish via MQTT for Redlion }
Data { A value to be written out. };
MemAddr { "Indexing trail" from the Write address of the IO };
Only [
If Watch(1);
JsonDict = Dictionary();
JsonDict["connected"] = "true";
JsonDict[MemAddr] = Data;
JsonDict["timestamp"] = CurrentTime(1); { Now }
X = JSonEncode(JsonDict);
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