Industrial Automation Tech Note 04 - TNIA04
This document describes how to extract databases in Crimson®.
Red Lion Controls CR1000 Human Machine Interface (HMI), CR3000 HMI, Data Station Plus (DSP), G3 HMI, G3 Kadet HMI, Graphite® Controller (GC), Graphite HMI, Modular Controller (MC), and ProducTVity Station™ (PTV)
Use Case:
Uploading configuration from a Crimson programmed product.
Required Software:
Crimson 2.0, Crimson 3.0 or Crimson 3.1
Crimson database files are extracted and downloaded to the target device using the Link command. There are two basic steps required to extract a database from Crimson:
•Selecting the Connection - specifies the connection type to be used during file extraction.
•Extracting the File - specifies the file to be extracted and its saved name/location.
Selecting the Connection
The programming link between the PC and the target device can be made using an RS-232 port, a USB port or a TCP/IP connection. Refer to Figure 1 and perform the following steps to select the connection type to be used to facilitate the file extraction.
1. Click Link-Options.
2. Select the desired connection; USB in this example.
3. Click OK.
Figure 1.
NOTE: While TCP/IP connections are typically made via the panel’s Ethernet port, they may also be established via a dial-in link.
File Extraction
Refer to Figure 2 and perform the following steps to complete the file extraction:
1. Click Link-Extract.
2. Choose file name and location to be saved.
3. Click Save.
Figure 2.
Troubleshooting Received Errors
Bad reply from remote device
- Indicates that either the selected TCP port is configured for something other than download, or that it is configured for more than just download.
Unable to open communications port
- Serial Connection: indicates that the COM port does not exist or is in use by another program. Close all programs that may be accessing the COM port. RSLinx will need to be stopped to release the COM port.
- USB Connection: indicates that the driver is not loaded. Verify cable connection and Device Manager. If using a laptop, disconnect AC and run on battery power.
- Ethernet Connection: indicates inability to open TCP connection. Verify cable connections. Verify PC’s IP address information and firewall settings. May also indicate that the device is not currently configured to allow TCP download or that IP settings are incorrect and cannot establish a connection to the PC.
The device does not contain an uploadable image
- Indicates that Link-Support Upload was not checked the last time the unit was programmed. It means that there is no method to upload the file that is in the unit; not even the factory can upload it.
An unexpected reply X.X.X code was received
- Indicates a potential incompatibility between the version of Crimson running in the unit and the version on the PC. If the unit has a display, it will show the version of software it is running during its boot sequence. Try using that same version of Crimson to extract. Previous versions of Crimson can be found on the Revision History page.
Invalid checksum in reply.
- Incompatibility between the version of Crimson running in the unit and the version on the PC. If the unit has a display, it will show the version of software it is running during its boot sequence. Try using that same version of Crimson to extract. Previous versions of Crimson 3.0 can be found on the Revision History page.
- Indicates that either the selected TCP port is configured for something other than download, or that it is configured for more than just download.
No acknowledge from target device.
- Serial Connection: verify cable connection. Port may be configured with a communications driver or is damaged.
- Ethernet Connection: indicates ability to open TCP connection, but the TCP port may be configured for something other than download.
Negative acknowledge from target device
- Incompatibility between the version of Crimson running in the unit and the version on the PC. If the unit has a display, it will show the version of software it is running during its boot sequence. Try using that same version of Crimson to extract. Previous versions of Crimson 3.0 can be found on the Revision History page.
- Indicates that either the selected TCP port is configured for something other than download, or that it is configured for more than just download.
Timeout waiting for reply frame
- USB or Serial Connection: if using a laptop, remove AC power to allow for PC to float and use the DC common as a (zero) 0V reference.
- Serial Connection: verify cable connection. Port may be configured with a communications driver or is damaged.
- Ethernet Connection: indicates ability to open TCP connection, but the TCP port may be configured for something other than download.
A conflict has been detected with the following USB devices:********* Remove or disable
these devices, and attempt the operation again.
- See the Errata - G315 document.
No reply from remote device
- USB or Serial Connection: if using a laptop, remove AC power, to allow for PC to float and use the DC common as a (zero) 0V reference.
- Serial Connection: verify cable connection. Port may be configured with a communications driver or is damaged.
- Ethernet Connection: indicates ability to open TCP connection, but the TCP port may be configured for something other than download.
Failed to send USB request
- If using a laptop, remove AC power, to allow for PC to float and use the DC common as a (zero) 0V reference. Disconnect serial port connections.
It is the customer's responsibility to review the advice provided herein and its applicability to the system. Red Lion makes no representation about specific knowledge of the customer's system or the specific performance of the system. Red Lion is not responsible for any damage to equipment or connected systems. The use of this document is at your own risk. Red Lion standard product warranty applies.
Red Lion Technical Support
If you have any questions or trouble contact Red Lion Technical Support by clicking here or calling 1-877-432-9908.
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