Industrial Automation Tech Note 21 - TNIA21
Devices programmed by Crimson® can be configured with multiple network interfaces. This document describes the ‘rules’ to be followed to allow for all of the ports to function together, as well as how they interact with one another.
Red Lion Controls CR3000 Human Machine Interface (HMI), Data Station Plus (DSP), G3 HMI, Graphite® Controller, Graphite HMI, Modular Controller, and ProducTVity Station™
Use: Multiple Network Interfaces
Incorrect settings for one port can affect the other ports; following these rules will avoid these problems.
• Ethernet 1
• Ethernet 2
• Modem (cellular or dial up) connection
Unique Subnets
• All interfaces must be in unique subnets.
• Only one interface may have a (default) Gateway assigned to it.
o This is typically the interface with access to the Internet.
o This includes the PPP Client driver with its IP Configuration-Route Type set to Default Gateway.
• In the rare instance that more than one interface requires a gateway to access other subnets; the Routing Table can be used.
o The Crimson 3 routing table functions similarly to a Window’s PC routing table, a target subnet, mask, and gateway are defined to route the traffic through the correct gateway.
o In the case of the PPP Client driver, the IP Configuration-Route Type can be set to Specific
Figure 1.
Communication Devices and Services
• Traffic for communication devices and the communication services will use the interface that will get the data to its destination.
o This is why the gateway configuration is very important, with that configured incorrectly; the data may be routed through the wrong interface.
• Multiple devices under a single protocol may all be on different subnets, even if they use different interfaces to get to their destination.
• Client devices from multiple subnets can simultaneously access the server services running in the Red Lion® unit.
It is the customer's responsibility to review the advice provided herein and its applicability to the system. Red Lion makes no representation about specific knowledge of the customer's system or the specific performance of the system. Red Lion is not responsible for any damage to equipment or connected systems. The use of this document is at your own risk. Red Lion standard product warranty applies.
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