Industrial Automation Tech Note 25 - TNIA25
This document describes how to use the Trend Viewer primitive in Crimson® 3, as well as some of its limitations.
CR Series HMI / DA30 Data Station / FlexEdge (DA50N and DA70D) / G3 Series HMI / G3 Kadet HMI / Graphite® HMI / Graphite® Controllers / Modular Controller (except V2 and LE models) / Data Station Plus (except LE model) / ProducTVity Station
Use Case: Trending Data
Visualizing information from the Data Logger in a graphical form on the HMI or web server’s display.
Required Software:
Crimson 3.0 / 3.1
The Trend Viewer primitive is used to visualize a data log created in the Data Logger section of Crimson 3, refer to the Using the Data Logger section of the Crimson 3 User Manual (click Help-Contents in the Crimson 3 menu bar) for further information.
Add a Trend Viewer to a Display Page
Referring to Figure 1:
Figure 1.
1. Click on Display Pages in the Navigation Pane.
2. Select or create a page to which a Trend Viewer will be added.
3. Click on Primitives in the Resource Pane.
4. Click on System Primitives from the Categories list.
5. Click and drag a Trend Viewer from the Resource Pane into the Editing Pane.
Configuring the Trend Viewer Properties
Options Tab
Figure 2.
1. Data Log
• Select the log that will be visualized with this Trend Viewer
2. Data Display
a. Trend Lines
• Typical line graph
b. Trend Lines with Bars/Fill
• Typical line graph with an additional bar graph that gives an appearance of the area below the line being filled in
3. View Width
• The initial amount of data to be displayed; can be adjusted later with the Trend Viewer’s zoom buttons
4. Pen Mask
• A bit mask of which pens to display
• Bit0 represents the first tag in the log’s Contents, bit1 is the second tag, etc…
• Referring to Figure 3: a Pen Mask of 1 will display only the Temperature pen, 2 would display only Pressure, 3 would display Temperature and Pressure, 4 would display Level
Figure 3.
• Using binary can help with visualization: 0b110 (6 decimal), this will show the pens for Pressure and Level
5. Show Values
• Option to display current pen values in a numeric format on the Trend Viewer
6. Show Cursor
• Setting this to Yes and touching the display or clicking on the web server inside of the Trend Viewer will cause a vertical line to appear at the closest data point to the touch/click. The time of that data point is displayed, as well as the numeric value of each of the visible pens. The Right and Left buttons move one data point in the corresponding direction.
7. Data Values
• Location where the values from the two previous properties are displayed
8. Time Axis
• Select if gridlines should be displayed on the Time (X) Axis
9. Data Axis
a. None
• Does not show any gridlines on the Data (Y) Axis
• Uses individual tag’s limits (defined on the tag’s Format tab) as Data Axis limits, see Figure 4.
b. Major Only
• Shows only one set of gridlines on the Data (Y) Axis
• Uses individual tag’s limits (defined on the tag’s Format tab) as Data Axis limits, see Figure 4.
c. Major and Minor
• Shows two sets of gridlines on the Data (Y) Axis
• Uses individual tag’s limits (defined on the tag’s Format tab) as Data Axis limits, see Figure 4.
d. Automatic
• Automatically displays gridlines based on Minimum and Maximum limits defined in the Trend Viewer’s properties
• Uses the Minimum and Maximum limits defined in the Trend Viewer’s properties as Data Axis limits
Figure 4.
Format Tab
Figure 5.
• Configures Color and Font selections for the Trend Viewer
Buttons Tab
Figure 6.
• Configures Labels and translations for each button of the Trend Viewer
Time Tab
Figure 7.
• Configures Time and Date format of the Trend Viewer
Pens Tab
Figure 8.
• Configures the color for each pen in the Trend Viewer
Bars Tab (Crimson 3.0 Only)
1. Bar Mask
• Similar to the Pen Mask property on the Options tab, selects which bars to display
2. Number of Bars
• Configure the number of bars to be displayed across the Trend Viewer
- 0 will draw one bar per data point
- Screen performance is impacted negatively by a higher number of bars
3. Bars
• Configure the bar colors
Fills Tab (Crimson 3.1 Only)
Figure 9.
• Configure the fill colors
Show Tab
Figure 10.
• Show/Hide the Viewer
Historical Data
1. Kadet/CR1000 HMIs
• Limited to a history of 5 minutes
2. CR3000 HMI / G3 Series HMI / Graphite HMI / Graphite Controllers / Modular Controller / Data Station Plus / ProducTVity Station
• 4 MB of RAM, evenly divided for all data logs, allocated for historical data
• Each data point is stored as a 32-bit value, which translates into roughly 1M historical samples
• The following equation can be used to find a rough estimate of available historical data:
H = (1,000,000 / L / T) * U
H is the historical period in seconds
L is the number of logs configured in the database
T is the number of tags in the log
U is the Update Rate of the log
3. On the non-Kadet/CR1000 models, the historical data is stored in RAW files on the memory card which is read at power up to fill in the historical data.
• This information is lost, along with the CSV log files when a file with a different database identifier (selected when using File-Save As or a completely different database) is loaded into the unit.
It is the customer's responsibility to review the advice provided herein and its applicability to the system. Red Lion makes no representation about specific knowledge of the customer's system or the specific performance of the system. Red Lion is not responsible for any damage to equipment or connected systems. The use of this document is at your own risk. Red Lion standard product warranty applies.
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