Digital Analog Tech Note 17 - TNDA17
PAXI0000, PAXI0000, PAXI0010, MPAXI000, MPAXI010
Problem Description
The RDSP 1 will revert to the value 339.2 even though another value has been programmed.
Cause of the Problem
When programming a PAXI for rate, if 0 segments are selected and the RDSP-1 value are programmed for a value of 65536 or higher, the PAXI RDSP 1 value will revert to 339.2. This is a function of PAXI firmware revision 2.0 only.
Corrective Action
If RDSP-1 must be programmed to a value equal to or greater than 65536, program the meter to use one or more segments, not 0. This solution only results in two more pushes of the PAR button so it is simple to implement. Corrective Action Implementation: The next firmware version for the PAXI will correct this problem.
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