Industrial Automation Tech Note 32 - TNIA32
This document explains how to configure communications between a Kuka Robot and a Red Lion HMI device via the EtherNet/IP Slave Adaptor driver.
CR1000 HMIs / CR3000 HMIs / G3 Series HMI / G3 Kadet HMI / Graphite® HMI / Modular Controller / Data Station Plus / ProducTVity Station
Use Case: Kuka Robot EtherNet/IP Communications
The Kuka robots have an EtherNet/IP communication option; this document explains how to configure the robot and a Red Lion device to communicate with Red Lion’s EtherNet/IP Slave Adapter driver.
Required Software:
Crimson® 2.0, 3.0, or 3.1
Tested with:
- Kuka robot KR6-R900-SIXX-KRC4C V8.2.1
- WorkVisual 2.4
- Ethernet/IP option installed on the robot
- Red Lion device connected on the X66 Robot Ethernet connector, see Figure 1.
Figure 1.
Crimson Configuration
1. Referring to Figure 2, navigate to the Communications section.
2. Click on Network in the Navigation Pane.
3. Click on the Ethernet 1
4. Set up the device’s IP address. It must be in the same subnet as the robot, which by default it is -
Figure 2.
5. Referring to Figure 3, click on the first available Protocol, Protocol 1 in this case.
6. Click the Pick button next to the driver selection.
7. Select the EtherNet/IP under Manufacturer.
8. Select Slave Adaptor under Driver.
Figure 3.
9. Referring to Figure 4, check the Run/Idle Header checkbox.
Figure 4.
10. Referring to Figure 5, click on the device below the driver, PLC1 in this case.
11. Create 2 Gateway blocks by clicking on Add Gateway Block 2 times.
Figure 5.
12. Configure Block1 as a read block, refer to Figure 6 and perform the following:
a. Select
b. Click Pick… next to the Start Address.
c. Connection Point: Enter the Instance number. This number can only be used for one block (06 for this example).
d. Data Type: Select the data type to transmit (Bytes for this example).
Figure 6.
e. Define the Block Size (2 as shown in Figure 7.)
Figure 7.
13. Configure Block2 as a write block, refer to Figure 8 and perform the following:
a. Select Block2.
b. Click Pick… next to the Start Address.
c. Connection Point: Enter the Instance number. This number can only be used for one block (07 for this example).
d. Data Type: Select the data type to transmit (Bytes for this example).
Figure 8.
e. Define the block size and writing direction (2 and Device to DSPSX as shown in Figure 9.).
Figure 9.
14. Referring to Figure 10, navigate to the Data Tags section.
15. Create 4 new Numeric Tags by clicking New at the top of the Navigation Pane.
Figure 10.
16. Rename the tags to something application specific (R1, R2, W1, and W2 as shown in Figure 11).
Figure 11.
17. Referring to Figure 12, navigate back to the Communications section.
18. Click on the first address below Block 1 (C06:000.Byte in this case).
19. Click on Data Tags in the Resource Pane.
20. Drag the R1 tag from the Resource Pane to the address in the Navigation Pane.
Figure 12.
21. Drag the remaining tags to their associated addresses as shown in Figure 13.
Figure 13.
22. Load the application into the device by clicking Link-Update.
Kuka robot configuration
1. Use WorkVisual software to make the following configuration.
2. Referring to Figure 14, add Ethernet/IP protocol by making a right click on "Bus Structure".
3. Right click on Bus Structure and then click Add…
Figure 14.
4. As shown in Figure 15, select the Ethernet/IP protocol and click OK.
Figure 15.
5. Double click on Bus structure>EtherNet/IP.
6. In the Communication settings tab, shown in Figure 16, perform the following:
a. IP source address: Select the computer network interface connected on the robot network (for this example
b. EtherNet/IP network detection: Configure the IP addresses ranges where the EtherNet/IP slave devices are defined.
c. Scanner IP address: Enter the robot IP address (for this example
Figure 16.
7. Expand Bus structure - Ethernet/IP.
8. Referring to Figure 17, right-click on Bus structure - EtherNet/IP - EtherNet IP and then click Add…
Figure 17.
9. Select the protocol Generic Device from KUKA Roboter GmBH as shown in Figure 18.
Figure 18.
10. Referring to Figure 19, expand Bus structure - EtherNet/IP - EtherNet IP.
a. Double click on Generic Device.
b. IP address: Enter the Crimson product IP address ( for this example
Figure 19.
11. Enter the Device name (Red Lion - DSP as shown in Figure 20) and click Apply.
Figure 20.
12. Referring to Figure 21, configure the EtherNet/IP Inputs and Outputs by clicking on Exclusive owner – General.
Figure 21.
a. Input size: Enter the total of Bytes the Crimson device reading block contains.
Calculation examples:
- With blocks containing 2 Byte type registers = 2 bytes size (shown in Figure 22)
- With blocks containing 2 word type registers = 4 bytes size
- With blocks containing 4 byte type registers = 4 bytes size
- With blocks containing 4 word type registers = 8 bytes size
Figure 22.
b. Input Instance: Enter the Instance number to match the Crimson configuration as shown in Figure 23.
Figure 23.
Connect EtherNet/IP register with Robot Inputs and Outputs
1. Input Connection, refer to Figure 24 and perform the following:
a. Click on the IO Mapping tab or Icon.
b. On the top left window select the KR C I/Os tab and the Digital Inputs
c. On the top right window select the Fieldbusses tab and the EtherNet/IP - Generic Device
d. On the Bottom right window select a communications input and drag and drop it to the desired robot input on the left bottom window.
Figure 24.
2. Refer to the popup shown in Figure 25, click the Yes button to allow several bits grouping to make a bytes/word.
Figure 25.
Referring to Figure 26, repeat steps 1 and 2 to do the same with Digital Outputs and EtherNet/IP Outputs.
Figure 26.
It is the customer's responsibility to review the advice provided herein and its applicability to the system. Red Lion makes no representation about specific knowledge of the customer's system or the specific performance of the system. Red Lion is not responsible for any damage to equipment or connected systems. The use of this document is at your own risk. Red Lion standard product warranty applies.
Red Lion Technical Support
If you have any questions or trouble contact Red Lion Technical Support by clicking here or calling 1-877-432-9908.
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