Industrial Automation Tech Note 40 - TNIA40
This document describes Crimson® 3 driver configuration for the Yaskawa MP2000iec Controller connected via Ethernet.
CR1000 HMI / CR3000 HMI / Graphite® HMI / Graphite Controller / PTV / Data Station Plus
Use Case / Problem Solved:
How to establish communication and access the various data types present in the Yaskawa MP2000iec controller.
Required Software:
Crimson 3.0 or Crimson 3.1
Required Firmware:
Crimson 3.0 Build 252 or higher, Crimson 3.1 All Builds
Crimson Procedure
1. Enable the Ethernet port in the Communications section of Crimson 3.0 by navigating to Communications > Network > Ethernet1 (or Ethernet 2).
2. Set the IP Address, Network Mask and Gateway as applicable.
Figure 1.
3. Select Yaskawa TCP/IP MP2000iec driver for Protocol 1:
Figure 2.
4. This creates a new device called “MP1”.
5. Click on the newly-created device to display the following form:
Figure 3.
6. Ensure that the Unit Number and Data Control values correspond to those expected by the MP2000iec Controller.
7. Create a new Flag tag.
8. Select the new tag, Tag1, and then change the Source from General to MP1.
9. The example below shows an input bit selected and lists all the available data types:
Figure 4.
10. With reference to the Parameter dialog box above, the upper line contains the prefix corresponding to the item selected from the list on the left. On the right is the IEC address if an IEC item is selected. If a Modbus item is selected, this field will contain the Modbus address. The middle line contains the equivalent Modbus address in an entry box. The lower line contains a button "Update Modbus" which will convert the upper address to the equivalent Modbus address in the middle. The "Update Parameter" button converts the middle Modbus address to the appropriate value for the upper field. When "Update Parameter" is selected, if the Modbus value does not equate to a suitable value, the minimum will be selected, instead.
NOTE: For an IEC value in the upper field, a Word address must be an even number from the start of the IEC parameter selected. Modbus addresses are consecutive.
11. A Long, or 32-Bit Real must be a multiple of 4 from the start of the block. Modbus addresses are even numbers.
12. An LReal (64-Bit Real) must be a multiple of 8 from the start of the block. Modbus addresses are multiples of 4 from the start of the Modbus block.
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