Industrial Networking Tech Note 13 - TNIN13
This document provides a step by step procedure to configure port forwarding in RAM/SN series routers.
SN 6000 / RAM 6000 / RAM 9000
Use Case: SN/RAM Port Forwarding
Port Forwarding (Host Redirect) rules help to permit ports on external, untrusted interfaces to be passed to ports on internal hosts on the same or different ports. This allows multiple devices such as HMI, PLC etc. which have different IP addresses on a LAN to be accessed by a single internet IP address.
Required Software
Web browser
Figure 1.
Log into the SN/RAM Web Interface
1. Referring to Figure 2, type the device’s LAN/WAN IP, port 10000 into a web browser.
Figure 2.
Referring to Figure 3, log into the unit:
2. User Name: admin.
3. Password: Last six digits of the device’s serial number.
Figure 3.
Create Port Forwarding Rules
1. Navigate to Network - Firewall - Port Allow/Forwarding Rules, see Figure 4:
2. Scroll down to Host Redirect (Port Forwarding) rules.
3. Click Add, a popup window appears to set up the port forwarding rule.
a) Original Destination Port: Enter the port that an external device will try to connect to. This is the port that will be open on the specified interface.
b) Select Interface: Click on the pull-down menu to select the interface where the specified port will open.
c) New Destination IP Address: Enter the IP Address that the incoming connection will be redirected to. This can be an IP address of the device behind the router.
d) New Destination Port: Enter the port that the incoming connection will be redirected to. This can be the same port number or a different port number as the Original Destination Port. This is the port number of the device behind the router.
e) Select Protocol: Choose the protocol type, TCP or UDP, for this port's data.
f) Source subnets via whitelist: Select a whitelist name from the list of names available in the drop-down list box provided. Whitelists can be viewed or defined via the Networking - Firewall - Subnet Whitelist Rules screen.
g) Click Finish.
Figure 4.
4. Repeat steps 3a-3g as needed.
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