This Quick start will guide through the setup and loading of an IPm RTU controller with a simple ISaGRAF program. All configuration is done through two software utilities: the Sixnet I/O Tool Kit and the ISaGRAF Open workbench. This process will be done in three major steps: Loading a configuration onto the IPm, Loading an ISaGRAF program onto the IPm, and verifying the ISaGRAF program is running on the IPm.
- SIXNET I/O Tool Kit
- ISaGRAF Open workbench
- IPm RTU Controller (with Ethernet or Serial connection)
- Licensing
- ISaGRAF Open key (SX-1131-S-x)
- SIXNET Tool Kit licensing (SXTOOLS-2; SCS option)
Software Overview
Sixnet I/O Tool Kit

The Sixnet I/O Tool Kit is used to configure, load and maintain Sixnet RTUs and I/O modules. It works in conjunction with the ISaGRAF Open workbench to load IEC 61131-3 code onto the IPm
ISaGRAF Open workbench

ISaGRAF Open is version 5 of ISaGRAF with specific Sixnet enhancements. ISaGRAF open includes the ISaGRAF V5 editor as well as V3 features for backward compatibility for installed RTUs. Based on the IEC 61131-3 Standard, ISaGRAF supports all five programming languages: Sequential function chart, ladder diagram, structured text, instruction list, and function block diagram. It also supports flow chart language.
Start an ISaGRAF Open Project
In this quick start guide we will start by creating an empty ISaGRAF project. This will be expanded later, but a blank project will give the Sixnet Tool Kit a location to export I/O tag names to in later steps.
- Run the ISaGRAF Open workbench
- Start a new project (File --> New Project (name: PumpOne))
- Select Template (ISaGRAF_RTU_Project)

- Save project
Configure an RTU using Sixnet Tool Kit
This will step through the process of creating and configuring a new station within the Sixnet I/O Toolkit. This will create a simple configuration with 3 Virtual I/O which will be used within the ISaGRAF project.
- Open the Sixnet Tool Kit
- Start a new project (File --> New Project)
- Select a project name and location
- The default location is C:\SIXNET Tools\Projects
- Save project. This will automatically lead to the RTU configuration
- Configure station
- Select the station type and enter serial number listed on the device
- Setup Ports (Default port configuration for this example)
- Add virtual I/O modules. Create 2 Discreet inputs and one discreet output

- Configure a DI module and Tag I/O (Tags: TurnOnMotor1, Level)

- Configure a DO module and Tag I/O (Tags: Motor1)
- All other configuration can be configured later. For this example, the default will work.
Develop a simple program and “Build” (compile) ISaGRAF project
- Within the Sixnet Tool Kit select File --> Export --> I/O Definitions to --> ISaGRAF

- Within the popup window, select ISaGRAF Open
- Navigate to the ISaGRAF project file (Default location: C:\Program Files\SIXNET ISaGRAF Open\Projects\ISaGRAF 5.1\Prj\**Project Name**)
- Select the radio button to export tags from one station only
- Verify the desired tags are listed and click Finish. This will begin the export process.
- Once the export process is completed, close out of the export utility and open the ISaGRAF project
- Within the resource window right click on Programs --> Add Program --> FBD: Function Block Diagram

- Open the newly created FBD program by double clicking it
- Select The Function block symbol (F3) and add an AND block

- Select the Variable symbol (F2) to add the three variables imported from the Sixnet Tool Kit
- Select Draw link symbol (F4) to link the three variables to the appropriate terminals of the AND block

- Save and Compile FBD: File --> Build Program (Alt + F3)
- Close FBD editor
- Build ISaGRAF project: Project --> Build Project/Library
Download to RTU using the Tool Kit and ISaGRAF
All IPms will need to be loaded with the configuration from the Tool Kit to specify port settings, I/O tag names and any other configuration options changed within the Tool Kit. The IPm will then need to be loaded with the ISaGRAF program. These two steps can also be combined which will be discussed later in this guide.
Loading IPm Controller Configuration within the Sixnet tool kit
- Load the Tool Kit configuration first to be sure the port settings are correct on the IPm
- By default all IPm stations have an IP address of
- Select the Method of communication with the station: Device --> Select
- Load the toolkit: Operations --> Load --> Load Now (basic parameters only)
- When loading through the serial communication. Port B must be used
- When loading through Ethernet communication, be sure the computer network adapter is setup to have a static IP address on the same network as the IPm. For information about setting a static IP address see:
Loading IPm Controller ISaGRAF program within the ISaGRAF Open workbench
- Setup communication to IPm
- From the main ISaGRAF window select Tools --> Communication Link Setup
- Choose method of communication with station
- Choose single station radio button
- Choose the “use project file settings” radio button and navigate to Sixnet Tool Kit project file
- Default location is C:\SIXNET tools\Projects\

- Load ISaGRAF Program
- From the main ISaGRAF window select Debug --> Download (Ctrl + M)
- Select Resource (check box)
- Select Save on target after download
- Select Start after download
- Download

The IPm is now configured and running the ISaGRAF program.
Loading the Tool Kit configuration and ISaGRAF program in one step
An alternative method of loading the ISaGRAF program onto the IPm is to load the ISaGRAF program from within the toolkit. This will simplify the process of loading both a configuration and the ISaGRAF program onto the IPm down to one step.
- Within the Tool Kit, select and configure IPm: Configure --> Configure Station / Module
- Select the Files to Load tab within the configuration window
- Check the “Load an ISaGRAF program” check box within the ISaGRAF tab
- Select the RTU runtime version
- Navigate to appli.X6m of the ISaGRAF project
- Default location: C:\Program Files\SIXNET ISaGRAF Open\Projects\ISaGRAF 5.1\Prj\**PROJECT NAME**\ISA3\Apl\RES1\appli.X6M

- Select Ok to close the station configuration window
- To load, select: Operations --> Load --> Load Advanced (select files)
- Ensure the ISaGRAF project will be loaded and click load

Verify ISaGRAF Program is running
There are two methods to verify the ISaGRAF program is installed on the IPm and is running correctly; within the Sixnet Tool Kit and within ISaGRAF Open. The sample program requires the two input variables (Level and TurnOnMotor1) to be ON for the output variable (Motor1) to be ON. If either input turns OFF, the output will also turn OFF.
Verify from within the Sixnet I/O Tool Kit
- From within the Tool Kit open Test I/O: Operations --> Test I/O
- Test I/O will work when Virtual Input modules are used. If onboard inputs are used, the RTU will need to have a wired input, or the ISaGRAF open workbench debug feature must be used
- Turn one of the DI tags ON by double clicking the I/O Value cell or by clicking ON in the top bar
- Verify the DO Value is still OFF
- Turn the second DI tag to ON so both tags are now ON
- Verify the DO Value is now ON
Verify from within the ISaGRAF Open workbench
- Run the ISaGRAF Debugger: Debug --> Debug Target
- Open the FBD program
- Double Click on an input tag
- Select “Lock:
- Double click the tag again and change the input from false to true
- Repeat the process with the second input tag. The output will turn ON

It is the customer's responsibility to review the advice provided herein and its applicability to the system. Red Lion makes no representation about specific knowledge of the customer's system or the specific performance of the system. Red Lion is not responsible for any damage to equipment or connected systems. The use of this document is at your own risk. Red Lion standard product warranty applies.
Red Lion Technical Support
If you have any questions or trouble contact Red Lion Technical Support by clicking here or calling 1-877-432-9908.
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