This document describes how to configure a PAX or CUB5 to connect to a slave display (PAXI and LDSS).
PAX Meters or MPAX Modules (excludes PAXC and PAXR) with ASCII Serial Communications card / CUB5 Meters with Serial Communications card / LD Meters with Serial Communications option
Use Case: Showing Data from One Meter on Multiple Displays
This can be used to display the same information on two displays or two different pieces of information from one meter on two separate displays.
With communications options installed, the CUB5, LD, and PAX meters are able to transmit their data via ASCII communications to slave displays such as the LDSS or PAXI (or MPAXI) configured as a slave display.
Configuring Printing
Refer to the appropriate CUB5 or LD Manual.
1. Using the front buttons, navigate to program Module 5 (5-SEriAL).
2. Record the Baud Rate, Data Bits, and Parity settings; the slave's communication port will need to be configured to match.
3. Set the Address at 0.
4. Set Abbreviated Printing (Abbr) to YES.
5. Set Print Options (Prnt OPt) to YES.
6. Referring to Figure 1 (CUB5 count/rate meters), Figure 2 (CUB5 timers), or Figure 3 (CUB5 analog meters): set ONLY ONE of the options to YES, all others must be NO.
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
Figure 3.
7. Return to the main display.
8. Return to the main display.
9. Navigate to 1-InPUt.
10. Configure USEr InP for Print.
11. Return to the main display.
12. Permanently activate the user using a jumper wire, so that the unit is always printing.
PAX Meters
Refer to the appropriate PAX manual.
1. Using the front buttons, navigate to program Module 7 (7-SrL).
- If using a new PAXI, set the Communications Type (tYPE) to rLC.
2. Record the Baud Rate, Data Bits, and Parity settings; the slave's communication port will need to be configured to match.
3. Set the address to 0.
4. Set Abbreviated Printing (Abrv) to YES.
5. Set Print Options (OPt) to YES.
6. Referring to Figure 4 (PAXI), Figure 5 (Analog meters), or Figure 6 (PAXTM/CK): set ONLY ONE of the options to YES, all others must be NO.
Figure 4.
Figure 5.
Figure 6.
7. Return to the main display.
8. Navigate to 2-FnC.
9. Configure one of the User inputs for Print.
10. Return to the main display.
11. Permanently activate the configured user using a jumper wire, so that the unit is always printing.
PAX2 Meters and Controllers
Refer to the appropriate PAX2 manual.
1. Using the front buttons, navigate to serial port configuration.
B. PAX2C, PAX2D, PAX2S: Port
2. Select SErIAL.
3. Set the Communications Type (tYPE) to rLC.
4. Record the Baud Rate, Data Bits, and Parity settings; the slave's communication port will need to be configured to match.
5. Set the address to 0.
6. Set Abbreviated Printing (Abrv) to YES.
7. Set Print Options (OPt) to YES.
8. Referring to Figure 7 (PAX2A), Figure 8 (PAX2C), Figure 9 (PAX2D), or Figure 10 (PAX2S): set ONLY ONE of the options to YES, all others must be NO.
Figure 7.
Figure 8.
Figure 9.
Figure 10.
9. Return to the main display.
10. Navigate to the User Input/Function Key Parameters.
A. PAX2A: 2-FUnCt
11. Configure one of the User Inputs for a Print Request.
A. PAX2A, PAX2D, PAX2S: Print
B. PAX2C: Prnt
12. Return to the main display.
13. Permanently activate the configured user using a jumper wire, so that the unit is always printing.
Configuring the Slave Display
1. Navigate to 1-INP.
2. Set the bAUd, dAtA, and PArIty settings to match the device sending the data.
3. Set the Addr to 0.
1. Navigate to 3-LOC.
2. Referring to Figure 11, set C Cnt to rEd, and all others to LOC.
Figure 11.
3. Navigate to 5-CtrC.
4. Set C Cnt to SLAVE.
5. Navigate to 7-SrL.
6. Set the Communications Type (tYPE) to rLC.
7. Set the bAUd, dAtA, and PArIty settings to match the device sending the data.
8. Set the Addr to 0.
9. Return to the main display.
It is the customer's responsibility to review the advice provided herein and its applicability to the system. Red Lion makes no representation about specific knowledge of the customer's system or the specific performance of the system. Red Lion is not responsible for any damage to equipment or connected systems. The use of this document is at your own risk. Red Lion standard product warranty applies.
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