The ST-IPm-8460 is a suitable upgrade from most other RTUs in most cases, and the process to upgrade a project to a ST-IPm-8460 are relatively simple. This document explains the steps required to upgrade controllers. It is best to start a new project file for the ST-IPm-8460, but it is possible to convert an existing project to use the ST-IPm-8460.
Use Case: Upgrade Controller to ST-IPm-8460
Required Software
Sixnet I/O Tool Kit version 5.0.101 or later.
Upgrading the Tool Kit project file
- Make a copy of the original project file, so no changes are made to the master project file.
- Open the copied project file in tool kit version 5.0.101 or later.
- Right-click on the RTU and click on “Copy Station/Module.” Note: Copy Station/Module is not valid for redundant controllers.
- Highlight the station that is to be upgraded and go to Configure > Configure Station/Module, right-click and select configure, or click on the three dots in the part number cell.
- In the RTU configuration window go to the ‘General’ Tab and change the Station Type from one RTU to ST-IPm-8460. Change the serial number to match the new serial number.
- Go through all configuration windows to verify the configuration is correct.
- If needed make changes Assign Resources in the Advanced tab. In some cases, these settings may need to be updated. The stations that is being upgraded may have had changes to the default settings in the “Assign Resources” windows. Please compare and modify the ST-IPM-8460 configuration to match.
- Update the ‘System Information Virtual Module.’ Only do this step if the previous configuration had the ‘System Information Virtual Module.’ Go to I/O Module and double-click on the ‘System Information Virtual Module,’ add two to the analog input registers and one to the Discrete output channels.
- Go to the ‘Address Map’ button In the I/O transfers window to check for overlapping registers. Adjust the registers to remove the overlapping.
ISaGRAF Program Compatibility
- If no changes were made to the I/O addresses or tag names within the project no changes will be necessary. Not even recompilation of the program will be needed.
- When changes to tag names or I/O register addresses are made a re-export of the tags to the ISaGRAF project and recompilation of the program is always required.
- Go to the advanced tab. Select the ISaGRAF radio button to enable ISaGRAF and Red Lion for the Red Lion Workbench. NOTE: Changing the radio button from ISaGRAF to Red Lion Workbench will not migrate the ISaGRAF program. A new application must be configured in Red Lion Workbench.
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