This document describes using the memory card image primitive.
CR3000 Human Machine Interface (HMI), Data Station Plus (DSP) (excludes LE model), G3 HMI, Graphite Controller, Graphite HMI, Modular Controller (excludes LE and V2 models) and ProducTVity Station™
Use Case: Displaying Images from the Memory Card
This document will describe how to use the Memory Card Image primitive and the makepic utility to convert bitmap files for use with this primitive.
Adding the Primitive to a Display Page
Navigate to the Display pages section and click on the page that will contain the image. In the Resource Pane, click on Legacy Primitives and drag the Memory Card Image primitive on to the page. Resize it to the size required by the application. While it is still selected, note the size displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the Crimson window, this will be needed to prepare the image.
Preparing the Image
The makepic utility requires a BMP file as an input. Also, note that the image cannot be resized in Crimson, therefore it should be the proper pixel size (noted in the previous section) prior to conversion. Once the image is resized and saved as a BMP file, open a command prompt window (administrator privileges may be required).
Navigate to the Utils folder located in the Crimson 3.x folder.
The syntax and supported switches can be viewed by running makepic, as shown below.
The required switches are model dependant:
-rgb888 (or -graphite, as it is an alias for rgb888)
ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Lion Controls\Crimson 3.1\Utils>makepic c:\users\dany\desktop\pics\image.bmp -rgb888 0
-rgb888 (or -graphite, as it is an alias for rgb888)
ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Lion Controls\Crimson 3.1\Utils>makepic c:\users\dany\desktop\pics\image.bmp -rgb888 1
-rgb565 (or -PTV, as it is an alias for rgb565)
ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Lion Controls\Crimson 3.1\Utils>makepic c:\users\dany\desktop\pics\image.bmp -rgb565 2
G308/10 V2 Units
-rgb555 (or -wide or -G3V2, which are alias for -rgb555
ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Lion Controls\Crimson 3.1\Utils>makepic c:\users\dany\desktop\pics\image.bmp 3
none required
ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\Red Lion Controls\Crimson 3.1\Utils>makepic c:\users\dany\desktop\pics\image.bmp 4
The files (named pic###.g3p, where ### is the number used as the last argument of makepic) generated by makepic are stored in the Utils directory, copy the files into a diretory names PICS in the root directory of the memory card.
Open the Memory Card image primitive. Set the Image Selection to the number (provided as the last argument of makepic) of the image to display, as shown below a tag may be used in this field.
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