Q. I configured a new Ethertrak 2 module via Webui and I can’t seem to get the I/O’s to work. How do I get around this?
A. Ethertrak 2 modules from Sixnet ship with just the default factory configuration without being specific to any particular model number. You will need to configure the appropriate Ethertrak 2 model in the sixnet toolkit and load the configuration via USB/Ethernet. Once this is done, I/O’s will work and you can start using the web interface once for all.
Q. I have a new Ethertrak module (ET) and cannot seem to ping right out of the Box. What is the default IP of this unit?
A. ET Modules do not come with a default IP Address. You can give this unit an IP Address by using the RM 232 setup Module. RM-232 Setup Or You can connect to the ET module using a crossover cable and load the configuration via toolkit. The toolkit using the broadcast IP sets a new IP Address to the unit. Make sure the network adapter on PC is on the same subnet as the IP Address you are looking to assign to the unit.
Q. I am using a Windows 7 64 bit system. I used a crossover cable to communicate with the ET Module right out of the box but still can’t load configuration to the unit. How do I get around this issue?
A. Make sure you disable all the network interfaces in your PC except the one you are using to connect to the module. This is a result of the broadcast IP not being issued to the correct Network adapter. This issue is also found to be result of VMware Network adapter 1 being enabled on your PC.
Q. Where does the “auto detect Ethertrak station” feature apply?
A. Auto detect Ethertrak station feature is meant for Ethertrak modules (ET) only and cannot be used for IPm, Ethertrak 2(ET2) modules or any other.
Q. what does the station number in the toolkit point to?
A. Station number you configure in the toolkit is either the Modbus device ID of the device ranging from 1-247 if you are looking to communicate with a Modbus Device or the sixnet ID of the device ranging from 0-15999 if you are looking to communicate with another Sixnet device. For Modbus device, you will need to make sure that you are pointing to the correct station number (Modbus ID) regardless of whether you are using Modbus TCP/IP or Modbus RTU/ASCII over RS232/485 port.
Q. Status LED on my IPm unit seems to blinking constantly and never appears to go back to a complete solid state. I cannot communicate with the unit over Serial or Ethernet port. What could be the reason for this and how do I restore the unit?
A. IPm device seems to be caught in a U-Boot cycle. This could usually be a result of an incomplete firmware load or a corrupt/bad configuration being loaded to the unit. You will have to re-flash firmware to the unit over Serial and Ethernet to restore the unit. Assign a new IP Address in the firmware load window and ignore the message where the toolkit says” Error communicating with this IP Address” and continue to load. U-boot is captured when you cycle power to the unit during the firmware load process which results in the serial port restored following which the Ethernet communication is successfully established.
Please refer to the following firmware upgrade document for more information: Changing Sixnet RTU Firmware
Q. I am unable to read back the toolkit configuration from the IPm unit using the “read back” option in the toolkit. I ran into the error message seen below. How do I retrieve the configuration?
A. If you hadn’t checked the “archive toolkit configuration” button while configuring the unit, you wouldn’t be able to read back the configuration from the IPm. Archive toolkit configuration option can be checked via load-> Load advanced or while doing a load all.
Q. I am looking to register my IsaGRAF 3.47 USB Key (Part number ST-1131-BIG-B).
A. IsaGRAF 3 keys are simply plug and play. Keys are registered before they get shipped from our factory. They do not require any further registration/licensing.
Q. Is IsaGRAF 3.47 or 5.1 compatible with Windows 7 64 bit system?
A. Please refer to the following document: https://support.redlion.net/hc/article_attachments/360021703871/Windows_7compatibility.pdf
Q. Can I retrieve the IsaGRAF program from the IPm, make changes and load it back to the IPm again?
A. You can retrieve the compiled IsaGRAF program (isa11.x6m) from the unit by going to Operations-> File Operations-> /usr/local/bin directory. However, you cannot make any changes to this compiled IsaGRAF program. It can simply be used to load to another IPm which has similar I/O toolkit configuration with identical tags. You will need to have the actual IsaGRAF project folder/file to make any changes to the program. This holds true regardless of whether it is IsaGRAF 3.47 or 5.1
Q. How do I swap the word order for 32 bit integer types? Can I swap word order for both Modbus over TCP/IP and Modbus over Serial (RTU/ASCII- RS232/485)?
A. No, you can only swap word order for Modbus RTU/ASCII over 232/485 port as of now. Go under “ports” in your IPm configuration, click on the serial port configuration (RS232 or RS485) and you will have to check “First register low” corresponding to Long or/and Float to swap the word order. Note: By default, all SIXNET products that support Modbus communication do not swap the word order. If the box is checked, the gateway or RTU will reverse the order of the two analog registers in each 32-bit long integer/Float Integer value when sending or replying to third party Modbus commands for long integer I/O/Float Integer I/O.
Q. How do I configure a remote track module (RM Module)? It doesn’t seem to have a 232 port or an Ethernet port?
A. You will need an RM232 setup module to configure the remote track module. Please follow the instructions found in this link: RM-232 Setup
Q. I registered my IsaGRAF 5.1 USB dongle by contacting technical support few years back. It worked for 3 years or so but I get a pop-up about “key not registered” when I try to download or debug using IsaGRAF software after I moved the USB dongle to a new PC?
A. Yes, this is because you most likely did not transfer the IsaGRAF Open information in the toolkit from one PC to another. In your new PC, open the toolkit, go to help-> Registration-> Register IsaGRAF open and make sure that the part number, version number and the registration number is entered. This information must be same as the one you had previously entered in the toolkit in your old PC.
Q. How do I find out the firmware version that is currently running in the sixnet device?
A. Connect from your PC to the unit via Serial or Ethernet. Open the toolkit, go to device-> select and choose the appropriate port. Go to Operations-> Advanced Operations-> Read firmware version.
Q. I am not able to use Com port higher than com 9 to do a firmware upgrade or reset com port on any of my Sixnet RTU's?
A. We are working on fixing this. As of now, you can only use com port numbers ( Com 1 to Com 9) to do a firmware upgrade or reset com port. We expect to fix this issue and accommodate com ports higher than Com 9 in the near future.
Q. I am trying to use a 5 digit Modbus Register Address beyond 32000 in my I/O Transfer to poll from a third party device. I am able to successfully configure this but if I go back and edit the I/O transfer, I see an error next to the register address. For example 4 ( 32789) shows up as 4 ( Error)
A. Ignore this error message and load the configuration to the RTU. You will notice that you can successfully poll these registers beyond 32000 inspite of the "error" message seen in the registers tab. This is a toolkit issue and not a firmware one. We will work on fixing this ASAP.
Q. What is the isa16.x6m in /usr/local/bin?
A. The isa16.x6m file is a symbol table for the downloaded application. It is loaded when the “Embed Symbol table” option is selected in the ISaGRAF program’s compiler options window. The isa16.x6m is not automatically deleted when using the "Delete ISaGRAF program" operation in file operations. The file may deleted after the isa11.x6m is deleted, but it will not interfere with normal operation of the RTU. To delete it go to OperationsFile Operations navigate to /usr/local/bin select the file and click “delete, selected file.”