*Refreshing this page at any point will restart the troubleshooting guide.
First, please reference the manual for the encoder in question. Each encoder has unique power requirements, output types, and the number of pulses per revolution; and will be referenced throughout the troubleshooting process.
Verify that the unit is being powered
Red Lion encoders require DC power, refer to the encoder's manual for its power requirements.
Is the sensor powered properly?
Verify the mag/logic dipswitch or jumper is in the correct position for your sensor.
- Red Lion encoders output a DC square wave, which is a Logic input.
Verify the sink/source dipswitch or jumper is in the correct position for your sensor.
-Sink if the sensor is creating a path to common.
-Source if the sensor is providing voltage to the input.
Verify the input is wired properly.
-The input common is 0V.
-The input is where the voltage will be applied (source) or removed (sink).
Disconnect all other inputs and outputs.
- Many units do not have isolated inputs
- First, verify that the input is not being inhibited or held in reset.
- Units without isolated inputs require that all of the inputs share the same common. Ensure that all of the inputs share the same common, or add external isolation.
Verify the input is at the proper voltage potential. Disconnect the input and monitor the voltage between the input and input common.
-Sinking inputs should measure a voltage
-Sourcing inputs should measure 0VDC
Verify the input is changing the voltage levels.
* this may require an oscilloscope.
-Sinking Input:
-When the input is off, you should be measuring the same voltage as the previous step.
-When the input is on, it should be reading 0VDC.
-Sourcing Input:
-When the input is off, you should measure 0VDC.
-When the input is on, you should be measuring the voltage that the sensor outputs.
Refer to the unit's manual and reset the unit to factory settings.
This will cause a counter to count pulses and a rate meter to display frequency in hertz.
Did resetting the unit allow the count and/or rate to display a non-zero value?
Scale the unit.
Refer to the How Calculate a Counter Scale Factor to properly scale the counter or the unit's manual for rate scaling.
It appears there is a problem with the encoder.
Please contact Technical Support.
Call us on the toll-free Tech Line: 877-432-9908 or the Support button on the lower right to fill out a contact form.
It appears there is a problem with the monitoring device.
Done, you have corrected the input problem.
It is the customer's responsibility to review the advice provided herein and its applicability to the system. Red Lion makes no representation about specific knowledge of the customer's system or the specific performance of the system. Red Lion is not responsible for any damage to equipment or connected systems. The use of this document is at your own risk. Red Lion standard product warranty applies.
Red Lion Technical Support
If you have any questions or trouble contact Red Lion Technical Support by clicking here or calling 1-877-432-9908.
For more information: http://www.redlion.net/support/policies-statements/warranty-statement