This document describes using EasyRSA to generate certs for OpenVPN tunnels with FlexEdge devices.
FlexEdge DA50A, DA70A
Use Case
Generating certs for OpenVPN tunnels.
Installing EasyRSA
Package is available as a zip file.
Version used for this document is 3.0.8
No standard installation procedure, simply unzip the file.
You should get such a directory:
This directory and all subdirectories should be archived in order to be able to create other certificates later if needed.
A copy of “vars.example” file can be edited and renamed “vars” if using default values is not desired.
For example, if you need to change validity of CA which is by default set to 10 years.
Same for certificates validity which is by default set to 825 days.
Using EasyRSA
Simply double-click on EasyRSA-Start.bat
A terminal window opens running EasyRSA shell.
Step 1, initialize PKI and create CA
Use commands:
./easyrsa init-pki
./easyrsa build-ca
A “pki” subdirectory is then created, which contains among others the public certificate “ca.crt”.
The latter is used by the OpenVPN server and all clients.
PKI stands for Public Key Infrastructure.
A password is required during this process in order to protect the use of the private key.
You also have to give the name (common name or cn) of this certificate, used to authenticate the entity using this certificate.
Step 2, generate encryption key
Use command:
./easyrsa gen-dh
Be patient, it takes a while, as by default a 2048 bits key is generated.
The result file, “dh.pem” is located in “pki” folder.
It is used by the OpenVPN server.
Step 3, generate certificates for the OpenVPN server
Use command:
./easyrsa build-server-full server
A password is required during this process in order to protect the use of the private key.
Result files are:
“server.crt” (public) in “issued” subfolder
“server.key” (private) in “private” subfolder
Step 4, generate certificates for each OpenVPN client
Use command for each openVPN client:
./easyrsa build-client-full <client-name>
where <client_name> is the authentication name (cn) for each clients
A password is required during this process in order to protect the use of the private key.
Result files are:
“<client_name>.crt” (public) in “issued” subfolder
“<client_name>.key” (private) in “private” subfolder
Step 5, where to use this information in Crimson
Public, private key, password and CA certificate
For the DAxxA server:
The password is the one used (PEM pass phrase) during corresponding certificate creation.
For each DAxxA client:
Note that if at least one “Device Personality” setting is defined, you can choose between “Regular” or “Custom” parameters.
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