This document describes how to set up gmail app password. App Password is a new feature in Gmail that replaces using the old "Less secure app access" option.
Graphite, CR3000 and FlexEdge units
Use Case
Send emails from Redlion products using gmail mail server
As mentioned in the link above, "Google will no longer support the use of third-party apps or devices which ask you to sign in to your Google Account using only your username and password."
This means that enabling "allow less secure apps" will no longer an option. You would need to enable two factor authentication and set up an app password in order use gmail as a mail server with Crimson 3.1 and Crimson 3.2 based products.
Create & use App Password
- Go to your Google Account.
- Select Security.
- Select 2-step verification and turn ON following which you will be prompted to enter your password and verify your account through security code that will sent to your phone. Once you enter the security code, 2-step verification will be turned ON
- Go to security section and 2-step verification should now be turned ON. Click on App Password
- Select "other" from drop down and give a custom name. Click on "Generate"
- App password is now generated. App Password is the 16-character code in the yellow bar on your screen. The passwords are auto generated. You can create as many as you want. You can also revoke them as desired. You can do all this in the Gmail Security settings without actually changing the account credentials. This gives you a way to manage access.
- Tap Done.
- If you are using Crimson 3.1, copy and paste this password in Communication -> services ->Mail Manager SMTP -> SMTP Authentication-> Password section
- If you are using Crimson 3.2, you will copy and paste the app password in Device Configuration -> SMTP Client -> settings -> authentication -> Password section
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