The communication serial number in the Sixnet/Red Lion RTU is used as a unique identifier for the RTU when using the Sixnet I/O Tool Kit. Sometimes the serial number can be difficult to locate on the unit once it has been installed into a control panel. The serial number can be identified using the tool kit only with a simple operation.
RTU and I/O products all have a product code loaded from the factory. This product code allows the SIXNET I/O Tool Kit to identify the product it is communicating with. The product code can be verified by creating Tool Kit configuration with the expected part number, connecting to the RTU or IO module to PC and performing a “verify” function. The SIXNET I/O Tool Kit will indicate whether it is connected to the correct device or not in the report views window.
RTUs with serial number on the side: ST-IPm-8460/ST-IPm-6350/ST-IPm-2350/ST-IPm-1350/VT-IPm-1410/VT-IPm-2410/ST-GT-1210/ET-GT-ST-3
RTUs with the serial numbers on front: VT-mIPm-138-D/VT-mIPm-248-D/VT-mIPm-245-D/VT-mIPm-241-D/VT-mIPm-135-D/VT-mIPm-131-D/VT-IPm2m-213-D/VT-IPm2m-113-D/VT-uIPm-431-H/VT-uIPm-441-H
I/O Modules: E2-MIX24880-D/E2-MIX24882-D/E2-MIX20884-D/E2-8AO20M-D/E2-32AI20M-D/E2-32AI10V-D/E2-32DI24-D/E2-32DO24-D/E2-16AI20M-D/E2-16AI-8AO-D/E2-16DI24-D/E2-16DIAC-D/E2-16DO24-D/E2-16DORLY-D/E2-16ISO20M-D/E2-16ISOTC-D/E2-10RTD-D
Use Case: Read the serial number from an RTU using the Sixnet I/O Tool Kit
Required Software
Sixnet I/O Tool Kit 5.0.103 or above
Locate the serial number on the RTU or I/O Module
- Some RTUs the serial number is on the front and is therefore easier to see. On these RTU the serial number is located roughly around where the red circle is.
- For some the serial number is located on the side roughly where the red arrow is pointing to. In this scenario it may be difficult read the serial number when the RTU is installed in a cabinet. In this case you can read the serial number from the RTU.
- For I/O Modules the serial number and mac address are located on a sticker placed on the base next to the screw terminals. It may be difficult to read this number if wires have attached to the screw terminal.
Read the Serial Number from the Sixnet I/O Tool Kit
Either with IP (best to know the IP address programmed) or serial (RS232 with Port B) the Sixnet I/O Tool Kit may be used to readback the configuration. For best results connect directly to the unit with no other devices connected to the computer.
- Go to Device > Select. Select Ethernet or Serial parameters based on your settings. The connection must be set to “Single station.”
- Start with an RTU in the configuration. Enter 1 as the serial number.
- Next read the serial number by going to Operations > Advanced Operations > Read Firmware Version.
- When the RTU starts to communicate the Sixnet I/O Tool Kit will see that it does not match and display the station’s serial number.
- Take note of the serial number and enter that serial number in the Sixnet I/O Tool Kit configuration.
Verify the product code loaded from factory
- Open Tool Kit. Create a new project by going to File > New. Name and save the project file.
- Go to Configure > New Station. Select the station type, IPm Remote Terminal Unit or EtherTRAK2. Click OK
- Select the Station Type model number in the general properties.
- Add the part that is on the label in the General Settings\Properties window.
- Connect to the RTU via RS232 using Port B or Ethernet. Default parameters are listed below.
- RS232 – Sixnet UDR, 9600, 8 data bits, None Parity, 1 stop bit.
- Network 1 –
- Network 2 –
- Go to Device > Select. Select Ethernet or Serial parameters based on your settings. The connection must be set to “Single station.”
- Go to Operations > Verify. Look for the results in the Report Views window.
- When Station Type matches a message indicating “OEM codes verified.”
- When the Station Type does not match a message indicating “invalid product code found” will be listed in the report views windows.
- When Station Type matches a message indicating “OEM codes verified.”
It is the customer's responsibility to review the advice provided herein and its applicability to the system. Red Lion makes no representation about specific knowledge of the customer's system or the specific performance of the system. Red Lion is not responsible for any damage to equipment or connected systems. The use of this document is at your own risk. Red Lion standard product warranty applies.
Red Lion Technical Support
If you have any questions or trouble contact Red Lion Technical Support by clicking here or calling 1-877-432-9908.
For more information: http://www.redlion.net/support/policies-statements/warranty-statement